Blog Post #10

Peripherals and non-computer audio-visual technologies can be integrated into the classroom in a number of ways.  One way that I became used to peripherals in the classroom was through a projection screen.  School projectors use a clear plastic sheet that you can write on and show to the class.  They are helpful when school budget is low and you need to display information.  The projector can also be connected to computers to display additional information.

An interesting website that I will without a doubt use as a teacher in the future is “BrainPOP.”  BrainPOP has been around for 15 years and is a great tool in the classroom.  It is an interesting website that has videos, articles, and games to engage students in learning.  There are a few BrainPOP websites for specific target learners: BrainPOP Jr. (K-3), BrainPOP, BrainPOP Espanol, and BrainPOP Esl.  These all can be used in the classroom to engage students in learning. 

BrainPOP has many different subjects within each website.  In the original BrainPOP there is science, social studies, english, math, engineering and technology, health, and arts and music.  As you can imagine, there are many videos that belong in each category.  I will definitely be using BrainPOP in the classroom to interest my students in learning; especially when I am teaching subjects that may not interest my students too much.  I wish my teachers would have used BrainPOP to explain certain subjects to me when I was in primary school.

In the future I think that I will use excel sparingly.  It is a great resource to use, but can be complicated for some people.  Since I plan on teaching elementary aged students I don’t think that it will be necessary to implement Excel into my classroom.  Although I can see how it is useful for older students.  Excel is useful in statistic and upper level math classes.  Excel can be used to make graphs and spreadsheets.  It can be used to create formulas to solve problems like determining the monthly payment on loans using different repayment amounts and interest rates.  It is a helpful tool when trying to solve difficult problems using formulas.

From the Powerpoint 1 assignment I learned a lot about non-linear presentations.  I think that they can be very useful in teaching.  It can really get a student involved and interested in a subject.  It was a very time consuming project though.  It was tedious to have to create action buttons on every page.  I will definitely be using this skill in the future.  I can see myself creating review games for my students.  Heres a picture of my home page for my jeopardy game!

Screen Shot 2015-03-29 at 2.44.51 PM

Also here are the blogs that I commented on,

Post #9

Blog Post 9

3 thoughts on “Blog Post #10

  1. stephaniesalkay says:

    I agree that projectors are a good tool to have and can save the school money, but with the changing technology and updated tools I think it would be best if all schools could use SmartBoards. They may be expensive but they are great because they project the information and then the teacher uses a pen to write on the board. When I used them the teacher would call us up to the front and we could write on the board the answer or circle the correct answer. It was a great way for us to use technology and be able to interact with the information that was being learned.


  2. wsm13 says:

    I hadn’t looked at this BrainPOP thing before. This could be a really interesting idea that you could use to stimulate some thought or give students who finish quickly something to do. It seems like it could be entertaining and educational. It would have to be better than just sitting around waiting for everyone else to finish (from experience).


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